Unfortunately, surplus skin caused by ageing, genetics, pregnancy, or weight changes may develop around the abdomen. Abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, is a body contouring procedure that trims off excess skin and fat from the abdomen to reveal a smoother, flatter stomach. The procedure will easily excise unwanted excess skin, repair weak muscles, and tighten the skin by performing either a full or partial (mini) tummy tuck.
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Abdominoplasty is hugely popular due to the many benefits that can be achieved. These can include:
During the initial consultation Ms Kelemen will ask you about your general medical history focusing on the following:
Pain and discomfort are subjective sensations, but an abdominoplasty is considered to be one of the more painful procedures. Luckily appropriate painkillers will keep you comfortable and our team will care for you and support you. Any pain is probably more noticeable when standing or walking in the first few days following surgery and usually involves the upper half of the tummy. Some patients report the sides as being more painful than the abdomen itself. So for the first week or so, you’ll need to take regular painkillers to minimise this.
Abdominoplasty scars are typically substantial in length. These normally extend from hip to hip above the pubic area in a slightly curved but horizontal line.
Although all surgeons try to suture the incision as neatly as possible, it is ultimately impossible to predict the eventual appearance. In fact, very rarely can abdominoplasty scars be described as hairline. Due to the normal healing response of the body, these scars will appear red, raised and lumpy in the first few months after surgery, but do tend to settle with time. A silicone gel will be provided for you which will help the appearance of the scars. However, it may take up to 18 or 24 months for the scars to improve.
Stretching and prominence of all or parts of the scar can occur. If necessary, and when deemed appropriate, Ms Kelemen may have to revise a scar to try to improve its appearance. This will be discussed at your follow-up consultations.
After the surgery, Miss Kelemen will prescribe pain medication. It’s common to have some pain or discomfort, along with swelling and bruising.
Miss Kelemen will give detailed instructions on when to remove any dressings or drains and when to make any follow-up appointments.
Once the swelling subsides, you’ll be able to see the difference in how you look. Your skin will feel tighter than you are used to and “feeling normal” may take several months.
Allow for around 2 weeks before resuming normal daily activities. It is typically advised to wait for around 4 weeks before engaging in more strenuous activity such as exercise .
It is advised to do the following to help hasten your recovery and improve your results:
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